Monthly Archives: March 2020

How COVID-19 is Affecting Hiring the US Shipyard Industry

With the world well in the grips of the coronavirus pandemic, every industry is reeling to adapt and innovate at a moment’s notice in a landscape that appears to change almost daily.  As of March 30, Virginia has just eclipsed one thousand “presumptively positive” cases, with the Virginia Department of Health reporting that 12,038 people [...]

2020-04-02T16:54:42-05:00March 30th, 2020|

Hundreds of N95 Respirators Donated to Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters (CHKD)

Tidewater Staffing Inc (TSI) understands this is a challenging time and we are in uncharted waters. In accordance with Ellen Lord, Under Secretary of Defense, and Christopher Krebs, Director of the Department of Homeland Security, members of the defense industry base, like Tidewater Staffing Inc, are considered critical infrastructures and are directed to remain open.

2024-12-20T10:02:38-05:00March 25th, 2020|

Detra Cooper Recent Graduate Of Our Mentoring Program

She has a nurturing and down-to-earth type of personality which contributes to the positive work dynamic at the Newport News office. She is also incredibly versatile, and she can adapt to any situation that you throw at her. As such, her versatility allows her to shift from one of her many roles in the office to the next one with relative ease.  

2020-03-20T15:48:07-05:00March 20th, 2020|

Ship Repair Hiring: What to Look For in Your Next Firewatch Hire

Few industries require more intense coordination and collaboration on the day-to-day job site than the ship repair industry.  When a ship comes through a port for service, a lengthy, regimented, and highly specific process begins immediately, and, for the process to be successful, everyone involved has to understand the sequence of events and work in perfect concert with one another. 

2020-03-12T11:28:51-05:00March 12th, 2020|