Client Holiday Gifts
We had staff vote on office superlatives and handed out gift cards to the winners. View Video below!
TSI Staff received Holiday bonuses and TSI Soup Cups! Thank you for all that you do!
The Tidewater Staffing Wave Award is given to employees who have gone above and beyond the call of normal duty at Tidewater Staffing. It is a symbol of the persistence necessary to succeed in the staffing industry. As waves constantly crash on the ocean’s shore, so too must the employees of Tidewater Staffing be in [...]
Watch our staff express their holiday cheer HERE.
How can there be over five hundred job openings with no one to fill them? Four simple answers: People are waiting to go back to their furloughed jobs. Government assistance is keeping people from actively applying for jobs. Children being home full-time have caused parents to stay home full-time. People are generally afraid to return [...]